In the shadows I lurk every night

Making my daily rounds seeking for new blood...

In the dark  I hide from the light...

My mind with so much evil and wickeness it is clouded!

My past completely had corrupted my future

All the time new victims with my bag of tricks I allure...

I know deep inside,this hunger by myself I can't battle alone,

And life with all its dreams and hopes,I'll never again own...

All that's left of me, is this fiend that prowls in the night,

With a big lump in my throat, I now can recall my mortal past,

And my great need to feed for more days I cannot longer stop or fight,

I've become this monster inside and out, instead of the caring knight!

My home now are the cold and empty alleys and streets...

No more a living soul lives in me,I just need from mortals eat!!!

Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000


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