(a humorous poem)

I'm the most handsome Chap

The most wonderful fellow here in town

I'm just a gift from God...

To each and every woman all around!

Women just swarm around me

Like paper to super-glue

Like bees to honeycombs,

Yeah! women, just can't get enough  of me!!!

And when I go to clubs

To have me a super, old good time,

Women just lined up and wait their turn,

With me just to dance!

They fight for me like dogs and cats,

And they step on every table and chair on sight!

They stand upon their heads, and do all sort of silly tricks

To have a better view of just me!!

They throw themselves upon me

Sometimes they make me run so really scared!!

They rip off my shirt and all my pants...

And also they go  for my underwear!!

Women go completely wiiiiiiild!

When they see me in my Adam's glorious suit

And see me shaking all my very firmed, and sexy bootie

As they grab and squeeze all my visible and non-visible parts...

I'm having such a ball, such a great success

My black book is running out of space

Women everywhere want my cell and phone numbers

They write theirs, also, all over my private places...

I'm so famous,I am so wanted,I just feel like a MOVIE STAR!!!

I am numbered one,they always follow me in real hordes,

But well that's the price I have to pay for being so very HOT...

Even when they grab me in places that really hurts!

I wrote this funny one, just for the laugh! Hope you enjoy it too, just like it was for me  to write it ...LOL...(<:

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