Those are the days

That no one can prepared for

Just filled of all the wrong things

Some of our plans have ended it wrong

We sit and stare into the darkest space

Trying over and over to make at least some sense

Of why on our faces we've fallen like this once again

And how we can make it right for us once more

Days like this will always happen to all of us

Days when nothing at all seems to go right

When we wish to run and somewhere just to hide

Things that give us the darkest and coldest nights

Days like this that come along for a short ride

Through this hard journey some of us have began

But always remember there's always One above

Who really knows what's best for you and I

So please never run in the dark afraid

But face this day with all the courage you can attain

You're never really quite alone

God is always keeping his watch on You!

Trust Him with all your heart and soul

That He will always carry and rescue You!

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