How did I make it this far?
Even when God took away
My gift of speed through a car
Replaced it with immense talent
Through words thus far
Inside I’m scarred
Still wondering
How did I make it this far?
Knowing at times
I’d give anything to die
Death represents my freedom
Giving me wings to fly
Are thoughts constantly in my mind
In which I have no shame
If I believe death
Shall elude me of my pain
Not finding any answers
Is to blame
Constantly searching
Confusions sustained
Everyday it rains
My face’s tear drop stain
My sorrow claims... Such pain...
Still remains
Such strain to maintain
Amongst the living
Such strain to maintain
Wanting to be forgiven
Yet nobody listens
How did I make it this far?
How would my life have been
If I wasn’t hit by a car
If inside I wasn’t scarred
If I wasn’t so emotional
Constantly used by liars
If I didn’t have such hatred
My conscious makes me a coward
Why did I make it this far?
Is the question
And answer
Shall solve