*Disclaimer(Notification): Though this poem is about me and there is scientific evidence that poems, stories, music, and art are directly connected to the subconscious and conscious; all should be disregarded as nothing more than a form of entertainment to my public. All concerns and questions should be emailed, all those who still contact me directly shall be referred to this disclaimer. Thank you for your time and cooperation, enjoy.

-Revision I- It was brought to my attention that even though these are poems and are for entertainment they are still connected to me. Meaning, that these poems are connected to “real world events” that have happened or is premeditated for future use. That being said, even though everything is connected to real world events, they should be disregarded as nothing more than a real life emotional connection to improve the quality of the material being read. In conclusion, all concerns, questions, and “legal” issues should be sent by email; any other way of contact being referred to my poems will be referred to this disclaimer and revision and/or can be ignored. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy.

After L!Fe and BangBangboom!
after meanings, poems, hints, and all this now
Is it all done and over with? So soon?
What now? What comes before bye, so long, chow?

I’m glad the drama is done and over with
But yet it has helped shape and mold me
me not being affected by all this is a myth
But this is life, a bitch, and the cost aint free

All this hurt, this hurt and pain aint without gain
I put on my boots and stomp through this shit, this mud this cow manure
you think your mind is crazy, fucked up? Here put on your name tag let me give you a tour
But it don’t matter what you throw at this train, aint gonna stop because of this pain, not till you cut my main vein

I sigh here and now, write on this paper
It’s not done yet, not till I’m done with my story
I guess I’m here as my own god’s pager
But I’m still learning, I guess I just don’t understand fully

But what now? And how? where do I go to?
How do I know what’s a lie and what’s true?
I’m just going with the flow, not knowing what to do
If there’s someone controlling this, where do I go and how do I get to know you?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For future reference I will usually not put notes or comments in here. But I'll always respond to comments :)

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