
*Disclaimer(Notification): Though this poem is about me and there is scientific evidence that poems, stories, music, and art are directly connected to the subconscious and conscious; all should be disregarded as nothing more than a form of entertainment to my public. All concerns and questions should be emailed, all those who still contact me directly shall be referred to this disclaimer. Thank you for your time and cooperation, enjoy.

-Revision I- It was brought to my attention that even though these are poems and are for entertainment they are still connected to me. Meaning, that these poems are connected to “real world events” that have happened or is premeditated for future use. That being said, even though everything is connected to real world events, they should be disregarded as nothing more than a real life emotional connection to improve the quality of the material being read. In conclusion, all concerns, questions, and “legal” issues should be sent by email; any other way of contact being referred to my poems will be referred to this disclaimer and revision and/or can be ignored. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy.

One shot, two shot, where’s three?
I don’t know why I didn’t wake up dead
Sometimes I just think and wonder, am I crazy?
The pain was so real, sent to my head

I looked at my chest, filled with lead
I ran and ran, from what is a mystery
I looked down again, but I have not bled
I stumble, fall down, crawl, why am I not dead, gone, history

with a cold sweat I sit up and think
so far my life has just been shit
so what’s this all mean? what’s the link?
I think deeper, I search till I find the fit

Better figure it out quick
better be quick before it all goes down
I recall something, who was that chick?
question is when and where, in this town

I died but yet allowed to live…
two shot, two received, all in the chest
but what now? what else must I give?
I better hurry before I go into a permanent rest.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Again, I will always have the disclaimer and revision on every poem. And sorry to say, but I will not describe what was going through my head or what was happening at the time with any poem. You'll understand why more if you keep reading.

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