I can’t tell you how new daddies feel
‘Coz I have only mommy
But I can tell you how mommies deal
When they become a daddy
Mommy had to try hard to adjust
Working not only at home
For there are much to them that was thrust
There’s no time for them to roam
Mom had to know electricity
And how to bake cake and cook
Had to be smart and very witty
Do things not just by the book
Eight hours on weekdays for office work
Remainder for cooking food
She can still have time for my school work
There’s no space to change her mood
Our weekends would be the laundry day
After that the grocery
There’s so much work, very hard to weigh
The burdens mommy carry
There’s consolation in all of these
When to her I smile and laugh
When I say thanks with a hug and kiss
Mom says I’m her wooden staff
So being both mommy and daddy
Is quite a tough job to do
But when I show love to my mommy
I see magic strength anew