
Why did you say?

“You can’t fulfill my wishes

One day you will repent”

Can you explain?

Don’t give me more pain

What was in your heart?

When you said

I know my dear friend

Love is not kid’s play

To get a real gay

I know and also admit

I can’t do as you wish

But you can tell me

What should I do?

To get to you

Again ask your tender heart

It’s not good to make flirt

Always remain high alert

For choosing a life mate

Who has a lot of trait?

I shall try my best

To live only near to you

And also wipe your tears

To make you always happy

To keep you in mind snappy

You know I like you

From cores of my heart

But how can I divert?

My wishes from your side

Which can never hide

I respect you so much

I needed life mate as such

You met me at that time

When I became totally helpless

God may you bless

God bless you always

Each moment and every day

Don’t face any embarrassment

In your for the whole life

Remain happy without strife

You are innocent as bloom

May you keep away from gloom

Be happy for the rest of life

Your amity remain with me

Sans you I am not free

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