Tribute to Of Mice and Men

I pull the trigger. The noise of the gunshot resounds throughout the entire valley. Frightened birds erupt from the treetops. The others from the ranch quicken their approach shouting frantically, alarmed. The stream’s endless lapping, soothing to most.  But I hear nothing… Only the silence of grief. I can’t breathe. Feel nothing but my flesh pressed against the cold unyielding metal of the pistol.


My vision clouded by tears. Despairing the rent in my soul. The void. I shed a tear for me and another for Lenny, who which never belonged in this world. Vision clears and I see what Lenny saw last. A stream, endlessly flowing. Sunlight glints on its surface as it would on precious stone. Not bad for a last view.


Life goes on like the stream flows.  I feel hope take hold of my soul. Like a summer’s breeze, it blows away my grief. Treasuring the ember I breathe life into it, consequently myself too. After a long moment I stand, weakness fleeing from my knees. I feel as though I can live. But then I look down…

Lenny’s smiling face and the hole I blew in his skull greets me.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Been a while since I've written anything. So here it is. Just smething I felt when I finished the aforementioned book

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