Through my life
And throughout my years
I ahve experienced many fears.
Lonliness, sorrow, despair, and defeat.
Of which none of them I could beat.
Then I met you.
My life turned around.
You picked me up off the ground.
I took you to Prom
You wore a black and white dress.
I thought my hair looked a mess.
Then you said "Don't worry it looks nice"
So I decided to take your advise.
We arrived at Prom in a white lemo-van
A man opened our door
His name was sabastien.
We got inside and took our pictures
Then we went in the room and got some water out of the pitchers.
I sat in the chair,
You asked me to dance,
I said "give me a minute
For my heart to relax."
I got up, we danced all night
It was fun, but the flashing lights were too bright.
We left Prom at one
Got home at one-thirty.
I said we couldn't have stayed awake
To go to a post Prom party.
We arrived at her home
In a white lemo-van
I opened the door
And offered her my hand.
We said our goodnights,
And our I love yous.
She let go my hand and I almost refused,
But instead I said goodnight
Once more
And got into my car,
And closed my door.