My Bedtime Story

The bruises fade from periwinkle to sickly green

Tattoos of a broken hearted little girl

You can’t imagine what my eyes have seen

I’m not that baby of teddy bear, and ribbon, and curl

Do you know how rough and hard a fist can be

Have you felt the sting of Daddy’s drunken wrath?

All you have to do is become me

Look deep into my eyes...don’t blink...follow my path

I’ll take you back to another time...another day

A dirty house that crumbled with the stench of hate

For this is where I grew up and began my way

Down the life sentence I’ve been dealt by fate

There was a monster that lived between those walls

Greasy hair hung in his eyes and his belly swelled with beer

He fucked and moaned with ecstacy...then staggered down the halls

When he finished Momma it was time to play with fear

He soiled my room with his rotted putrid heart

The anger smashed and cracked the soften clay

He molded me into a statue of frozen stoneless art

And so I learned to hide me from you that day.

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