My Life

My Life

I’ve got so many people expecting me to fall

Teetering on a tight rope frayed with hope

How I got here I can’t really seem to recall

One foot in front of the other steadily I grope

Looking for just one sigh of safety found

But there’s no net of love to catch me

Nothing stopping me from hitting the ground

Just empty space as far as I can see

But there are faces blurred at the edges of sight

The voices of my past staring vacantly ahead

Hold on tight...don’t let one’s there to catch you

Trying to remember what all of them ever said...

Never kiss a boy on your first date lied Mom

Fight for your beliefs and you can’t lose lied Dad

And drinking or sex at the prom

And certainly don’t give in to the newest fad

The words fill the silence echoing in my ears

Ignore your roots or become a branch of the family tree

God, it has always been one of my biggest fears

To be the way my Mother always wanted me to be

But is it so wrong to live life in the comfort of stupidity

And just accept what you are told is true?

Pretend that all that matters is living with dignity

Never having a thought that’s originally new?


And that is why I am walking this tightrope.

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