The Mirror and the Window

The Mirror and The Window

Observations on Friendship

Always dictated by trend and fashion,

they smelled of bath oil and heady perfume,

and cared only of whether

their plum passion lip-gloss

had lost its scent and shimmer,

or if their hair fell in the perfect waves

to caress and dance upon their necks.

These two girls, best friends,

strolled down the high school hallways

with perfectly manicured nails,

shapely young figures,  

and eyelashes thick with dark mascara.

Their faces flawlessly made up

like tiny fragile china dolls

that could crack under too much pressure.

And everyone thought they were the

most beautiful girls to look at,

until a moment later,

when they saw another girl that looked exactly alike.

And when they spoke to one another

about a party or some new item of fashion,

One girl would stare blankly at

her friend while she spoke,

and mimed the actions of those around her.

And the other girl would simply

nod a vacant agreement,

as translucent as a window pane

looking out into a sea of crowded faces.

Crystal Moore

April 29, 2003

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