
Johnny,  one afternoon out on his lawn

was engrossed entertaining his little friend, Dawn.

On prior occasions he'd been gently told that

it was a punishable thing to be cruel to the cat,

but Mother had always been terribly lenient

so Johnny obeyed when he found it convenient.

He thought he'd impress masquerading the tough,

but hard as he tried it just wasn't enough.

Then he saw pussy, his mind it worked quick

so he pulled her tail hard and he gave her a kick.

Unseen Mum was watching, her patience deserted.

Even when she appeared Johnny wasn't alerted.

His mother did something he found quite astounding.....

administered corporal treatment resounding.

It wasn't the pain of that lone smack that hurt him;

that wasn't what made his composure desert him.

T'was pride that was damaged in front of his mate

so he fled up the path and escaped out the gate.

Angry, resolved to leave home now, our sonny

put his hand in his pocket and counted his money.

Finding his riches were three dollars thirty

(excluding an old piece of biscult, quite dirty)

he sat on the pavement, proceeded to think

how to stretch his small fortune to foodstuffs and drink.

He thought, spending carefully, he'd last out a week,

meantime additional finance he'd seek.

He'd sure get a job, no more going to school....

after all he was eight and was nobody's fool!

Then Mum would be sorry, come calling one day

to beg him come home. Oh yes, he'd make her pay.

It was nearing the time for his milk drink and buiscult

so he took out some money and though he would risk it.

on down to the dairy he ran feeling sure

that with his small fortune he'd never be poor.

A fizz drink, an icecream, a lolly and bun

and, magically seeming, his cash was undone.

On receiving in change the five cents that was owing

the faults in his plan began making a showing,

but euphoria still held him in its grip;

he'd find some more cash, yes, he'd re-equip.

While he had icecream, fizz, bun and a lolly

he still wasn't prepared to face up to his folly.

Having eaten his repast his hunger was sated

but now, on reflection, elation abated.

The feeling of freedom out here on his own

began to evolve into just plain "ALONE".

He couldn't quite see how he'd care for his inner.

He knew that before long he was going to need dinner.

Yes Johnny had realised before he was much older

he'd be hungry again and the night would be colder.

Besides he feared greatly the spectre of dark.

His running away seemed no longer a lark.

Yet, as he considered one thing and another,

pride wouldn't allow him to return to his mother.

The afternoon sun slowly sank 'neath the hill.

Johnny, in thin clothes, was miserably chill.

On finding his hunger becoming intense,

he crept in the gate and hid down by the fence.

What John couldn't see, ...through the window his mother

was watching, anxiety trying to smother.

Determined this once, having weighed all the factions,

to let him experience results of his actions,

she'd left johnny to it. She knew before long

he'd re-think his position, recognise he was wrong.

Quite right was his mother: Out there in the yard

his regrets were enormous, his earth bed was hard.

Overwhelmed by his sufferings, wanting Mother once more,

he made up his mind and he knocked at the door.

When Mother came out he broke down and he cried

so she hugged him and kissed him and took him inside.

Well, that is the story,  yes, that is the tome,

the tale of the time when our Johnny left home.

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