Sullen sky and greying sea,
waves crash onto rocks below,
angry waters boil and churn
over crags that do not show.
Atop this jagged, granite pile
a lighthouse gazes out to sea
watching for a ship to sail
within range of this promentary.
Countless ships have come and gone
since first it lit its flashing light,
grateful for this warning guide
on many a dark and dangerous night.
Storm obscuring all in sight;
this pile of rocks is lost to view,
but ships are safe to sail these shores
with lighthouse guiding sailors through.
Alone it, unprotected, stands
staring out across the sea.
All through the gloom of storm or night
its beacon flashes warningly.
Our gratitude we would express
for, if that shore we chance to sail,
stalwart stands this signal tower
pinpointing danger, fog or gale.