Jesus takes a whole day to recapitulate the women’s

Indiscretions at the well; all of our sins are well known

But we like to run for public office anyhow.

The Whiskey Tax in Appalachian Mountains had many

A Treasury man tarred and feathered; the nation rises

Over sin taxes and the church from indulgences.

All of us long for mastery in our soul but the diminutive

Men inside of us pull us down into misery and pain; it

Is the nature of sinners to have progeny to continue on.

My poetry produces dark cabbages; is it any wonder since

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the criminal all

Live in my house; I accidentally stumble upon Star Chambers.

Growing up I breathed in lies and my lungs filled up because

Of pneumonia and the cold isolation I felt when those around

Me entered a stream of society I could not come to terms with.

What uphold society are those who are forced to live on nothing

And produce a culture that espouses virtues they do not possess;

Everyone knows war is over and everyone knows the good guys lost.

Let us for the sake of posterity rewrite history and place in the

Archives of Presidents and potentates that decisions were made

In the best interest of all.  This works for Mao, Hitler and Stalin.

We adore a baby who was born in a stable because unlike us he

Was not sullied by this world as he grew; Census takers were not

Interested in his virtues as he was not interested in money changers

When liquor tax and war continue to be the commodity the world grows;

Many dark Napoleons and Stalins understand that the holy families

Will have to flee.  Rum running and the Holy Spirit are both illegal.

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