The lion hearted end up behind glass in

The deli window; his mate looks through

The pollard glass like St. Jerome at eternity.

Great trawlers pull up shining bodies and

Tunas are drawn in nets; ornamental sushi

Are put on display behind Tokoyo windows.

God gave us much when we inherited canines;

They are a remnant for other vestigial organs like

Our appendix.  We went from raw meat to cooked.

Unlike saturnine birds looking for road kills we

Hover over flesh like they do however we are the

Only species to put flesh on display behind windows.

Unborn baby lambs are prized before they can be put

On display standing beside their mothers; this cuisine

Convinced me that we all sup with Beelzebub himself

The knife grinder allows us to see saggital and transverse

Cuts of meat on display; our palate is not stimulated by

Similar images in Gray’s Anatomy  or other surgical text.

When Baal Shem, Ghandi and other non violent souls were

About to be born, this group of souls was chosen to turn

Their eyes away from the windows of flesh on parade.

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