Even the finest Aristotelian logic contains darkness;
Reason is the way of the parasite who counts its host;
How many wars are started by bankers of quiddity.
We do not climb Jacobs’s ladder by shrewdness alone;
We ascend by standing on the shoulders of those whom
We helped in someway without counting the cost.
Maybe if no words were used in poems we could climb;
We are porous to the residual darkness left by the wake
Of our words. Our words are our bonds to the surly earth.
The ink we write with sullies the linen parchment we write
On and there are smudges in our thinking. Perhaps we could
Hire chimney sweeps to climb up and sweep our brain.
Our reason is like the good parasites in out bodies. Saprophytic
For our anus, lactobacillius for our gut and all the other friendly
Flora who sorts things out for us. We need all this help and more.
We raise generals like we raise farm fish. Five star generals swim
Side by side in large Etruscan pools by the cabined reason of nations
Who claim that logic is programmed into their intelligent bombs.
Monday morning quarterbacks meet in faulty ivory towers of
Reason reading history from hindsight scholars whose vision is
20/20 from annotations written by those blind to reason.
Faculties take leave of their faculties in Universities when they
See rivers of blood in the snow in a meteorological winter they
Predicted by reasoning that forced democracy is without blood