Always there is dogged determination for a Noah
To rescue the world when it was slated for destruction;
However, if he fails to succeed other Adams will come.
Looking for beginning and a tidy ending is not the
Way things work; in perpetuity is the way of the world.
For this, doctors fail to cure and seek only to treat.
So many forces want to kill the truth seeker; there is
Never any room at the inn for the holy family. The
Game on earth is always give and take no quarter.
If the truth ever be known, it only comes from spin
Doctors and men of letters who through their connivance
Tell us how the whole world came to be for us.
We are not comfortable with the reality we come to know
Unless it is spelled out for us; behind all the isms and
Dogmas are the motivation to keep the pot boiling.
The easiest way to get people to go along with something
Is to tell them it is in their interest and security for doing so….
We sell our grip on reality and freedom for a mess of pottage
It is easy to wait for a Lincoln, Gandhi, Dr. King or Moses to
Take us to the promise land rather than find it for oneself. If
Perchance our saviors fail we can blame it on John Brown.