Greedy bankers have a yen for war, for the
Shoe to drop for, things to go wrong. The
War machine must have been happy in 1914.
Bankers were upset when Saddam went for
The Euro and declined our dollars; for this
Events had to go wrong with the WMD search.
We dig a hole like tunnel rats in Vietnam, and
Have to be pulled out backwards. Even now our
Hindsight has the perspicuity of a blind possum.
We will have to pay for all the oil and iron we
Pull from the ground; even now our Hummers
And Bentleys are too expensive but not for them.
If the war stops too suddenly, what will they do
With all those aluminum helicopter engines and
Abram tanks. It will go to the Carlye Group portfolio.
The Romans mastered conspicuous consumption but
At least they wore their orgiastic profligacy as a badge.
Our CEOs of war have low profiles as merchants of death.
We must be made to fear them for if such is not the case
The consequences would be too severe to contemplate:
Freedoms curtailed, blackballed and no attorney client privilege