Florist have been making bouquets for centuries

Every spring there is a new harvest of flowers; not

To worry, every era is full of lovers in need of them

Lovers accounts are always open for perusal; when

You say I do, the court says you will.  The state takes

Notice of nuptial business as it does everything else.

There is always saving for love; such as, dowries,

And great boons are bestowed.  But the cost of love

Is always the same; everything one has or will have.

A night of love can bring much ruin; it takes many

Dives of a pearl diver to fetch the one pearl of great

price and then he can squander it in that one night.

Let us blame beauty; the face that launched a thousand

Ships also sank them; however, we still hang around the

Orchard trying to catch a breath from the lovers’ tree.

And if the pearl diver gathers in a thousand pearls; after

Court settlements, attorney’s fees, child payments and

Alimony and then a great price that one can never pay.

Lofty ones try to avoid ruin by not coming near the garden

Of love; for this, sisterhoods and brotherhoods remain separate;

But monks will tell you that the good book says be fruitful

Once Plato meets Eudalia in that garden his teachings will not

Fly.  Women love from the sky to the earth and men from the

Earth to the sky.  Love is indeed an elimacinary endeavor

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