In my youth my saturnine father had me work in the opal mines.
He said our ancestors worked in those mines on the tall mountains.
I would occasionally find a slag of petrified sorrow or ancient wrath.
All of humanity has done earthing since the beginning of time. The
Earth bore our sins from time immemorial. Just as there is a demon
Locked in the black onyx and stone so is our entire frozen lament.
My father died in my arms when I was only ten and I took in his asthmatic
Grief. The Chinese say that diseased lungs are a product of frozen grief.
I tried to expunged my grief in those mines by looking for gems of sorrow.
In that House of Lament the blossoming of sorrow is known among those
On earth as soft foliage. Yes, we grow soft as the pain from the hardness
Of the opal mines has the effect as pleurisy on the lungs from calcification.
Our forefathers were once great from working in those mines and there was
An adamantine pride from a will directed toward the sloughing off of our
Feelings as if the exoskeleton of a lobster was an impediment to eating his flesh.
Yes, in that House of Lament there are Sibyls and prophets where the sepulchers
Of death rise moonlike as specters seeking union with life that was denied them
Because of there overfamilarity with the opal mines. Saturn rules such hardness.
All civilizations ancient and modern are built from such calcification and hardeness.
Is it not true that Greece, Rome and the Capitol dome in Washington, D.C. are built
With the hardenss that make men’s soul grow cold from the loss of father’s and sons.
@2006 Sai Grafio