There is only a single eternity in the slicing of time.

Time is divided by the Son of God dreaming of

Some time or place away from the singularity of God

You and I have this dream of separation in this darkness;

You see, we slip back from our oneness, without knowing

It; into something we didn’t intend but we are only dreaming.

We get caught up in these dreamscapes where we die and further

Die but it is only a dream and all that is needed is awakening

Into eternal day. This suffering has gone on too long beloved.

None of us can withstand it any longer; this tangled suffering

Brought on by the false ego subsuming the role of the Son of

God. It relies of antiquated conventions as well as habit.

This false ego claims the right of extortion from the original

Wrong of this separation. We keep trying to hold on to this

Delusion like a child trying to hold onto a ball that slips away.

The prodigal son is fearful of going back believing in heaviness

Of heaven as there is on earth so he is afraid of the eternal day.

He finally awakens only to find his head resting on his father’s lap

The father gently strokes him and says, “My son, you never left

Me however you seeming to be dreaming a very disquiet dream.

I decided to call you from that dream for I wanted to be with my Son.”

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