I hung out on a limb and crawled out onto the twig of reason;
I called out to Rilke, Pollock, Boehme as I went over the
Waterfall. I wished for my unconscious to become conscious
For such a healing it was required that I forgave everyone; yes
I had to sit at a banquet and eat the full table of forgiveness.
There was always something I did not want to bring into the light.
Whatever is not brought into the light is the cause of our indigestion.
Yet, when it is exposed to the light it curiously resembles us in
A way that we could not imagine. We are that what we refuse to see.
The psycho is us unpurged and yes, even Hannibal the Cannibal is
A part of our persona. We must love the Dracula within ourselves
And love a werewolf lest we are relegated to be a Lon Chaney unloved.
Yes, my friends, love the unlovable: be it the myriad of fleas from your
Cat or the rats in your basement who are seeking the warmth and heat of
Your hearth. Make a place at your table for that homeless unlovable waif.
When all the recesses of your unconscious are lit with the loving warmth of
Your forgiveness, you have then made a home for the inner Christ who was
Born in a stable. We are loved by all the love we have given to the unlovable.