I want to know why the Jesuit Toledo burned all
The Mayan manuscripts and why so many of
Sophocles plays were lost. What did we miss?
Did they have to burn the Library of Alexandria?
Why does the Christian Fundamentalist have to take
All the astrology books out of the bookstores.
Why do we support democracy in Palestine and
Begrudge the Hamas for winning. We didn’t
Seem to object Wubya for his win in the election.
Why did they use tanks to destroy the Waco
Compound and say that they were trying to
Save the children. Don’t say! I don’t want to know.
If you can tell me why they strain a gnat and
Swallow a camel and why Brave Heart objected
To the English right of first night or prima nocte
Will someone please tell me why they never have
Your best interest at heart and why your social security
Number is used as a dossier against you in the system.