No one wants to hear the cash register truth;
Since everything comes from the mud, we
Know it will return with a crashing thud.
There is so much glory in the mud; thundering
Hooves of all conquering heroes steeds place
Their feet in the mud as if they knew truth.
Analytical chemistry tells us that the mud is
Just the elements and nothing more. Who is
It that questions both religion and science.
The kracken, raven and crow’s dark feet settle
In the dusk on the old oak tree; not to worry,
Stars that set predict stars that will rise again.
The mud sucking boots in the trenches of war
Is the sound of a death throttle; the earth is alive
And speaks to us through mud stirred up.
Giordano Bruno knew that our house was on
Fire when he looked up and away from the mud.
The earth prizes her children as her own.
To achieve escape velocity from the mud requires
Much thrust. Gravity is the holding down principle
Where we must not exceed our conscripted truth.
Once again, Bruno and perhaps Galileo did not
Pay homage to the cash register truth of accepted
And known mud slingers; even stars fall from heaven.