The metamorphosis of an Orpheus in Pluto’s realm
Bid the dark lord by lyre bidden music to capitulate
And allow the young maiden a release from captivity.
The metamorphosis of a Morpheus in the Matrix, allowed
Neo to do the unpragmatic thing and sacrifice himself
So that all of humanity could be released from captivity.
The metamorphosis of a Jesus, of another savior, allowed
A man to die on the cross for all the sins of the world,
And, humanity is released from bondage and captivity.
The metamorphosis of a Persus, with the head of medusa
Allows the Kracon to turn to stone saving all his people;
And, humanity is once again released from a mighty threat.
The neurosis of our psychosis is to be saved by someone;
Why is it that there is always a captive to be place in captivity.
The metamorphosis of Dr. King in Memphis is to let freedom ring.