Last night I dreamt of the wreck of the Hesperus
That fell to the bottom of the sea. We all have a
Curiosity of falling things, even our nail clippings.
Everything we left behind is a testimony to our life;
Sometimes I hate to see my cut hair fall to the floor
From the barber stool. I even dislike loosing a stool.
In my poetry I often praise lost things; at any time I
Feel that I could be lost myself because of the oceanic
Feelings that I have. I am an antediluvian soul, O me.
Imagine the lost feeling one might have when spoken
Badly about by someone you love. I cannot imagine
The depths of sunkeness that one could feel from that.
I lost a tiger eye marble in the sewer grate when I was
Ten years old; I mustered the strength to lift the sewer
Grate to retrieve the marble.No one likes to loose things.
My publisher sent me a check for zero dollars and zero
Cents because no books were sold. On the check it also
Mentioned that the check is void after 90 days. What loss.