He was half a fellow because he lacked her flesh
Half the fellow he was because she was half his soul;
Bisected was the marrow of his bone; for this, she
Claimed that what was his half now was her very own.
This fellow’s half was numb since he lost the other
And feared vivisection of what was left of his bod
For half of love was hidden so why should he bother
To reclaim the other half separated by his god.
His ghost is dumb because of what he lost;
The piece of flesh continues to rattle his brain;
He continues to assiduously count the cost;
Of what was left behind and what he hoped to gain.
The broken halves are fellowed in unwholeness;
Twixt and twain will never be quite the same
His other half was nixed by some lame brainness
She continues on her own by some other name.
To end up as patchwork on a many fellowed quilt
The separated halves may end up adjacent to each other
If it were not for original sin and original guilt,
They would remain together and not with another