The night full of stars and night singers among the hemlocks;

Where your hair captured the ambient light of the moon and I

Got lost in the liquid pools of greenness in your hazel eyes.

Under the lover’s tree and the orchard of those stars, we began

What to me was a journey to ever expanding bliss; where the

Ringing and singing of those stars and night singers were heard.

Even the tempo of the swaying holly cocks and cattails above

The tall grasses had its movement in the rhythm of our love and

The night singers resonated with the same tones of our bliss.

Who among the hierarchies was not envious of our place and time

Among the watchers and timekeepers in this singular night; what

We had together under those stars, that moon and lover’s tree.

On the moss and under that tree we were pixilated by sylphs

Sprinkling faierie dust on our hair and dryads dancing on moonbeams.

Yes, there was magic there, under those stars upon that night of bliss.

Yes, it was but one night of bliss but the recording angels of

Everlasting memories emblazoned for posterity, a record of bliss

That would be hard to match in the annals of romantic history.

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