The way of cognizing the world scares me; the

Aardvark has so many hairs on its snout that a

Thousand ways of knowing may be closer.

The woman at the well could not cognize how

Jesus knew she had a man; his gnosis was from

A well that never went dry; she did not trust that.

Francis Bacon did not understand how the world

Gave away its secrets; Ben Franklin knew from

Kite flying that nature will respond with alacrity.

Some old souls living in the Divine house before

The fall did not understand why God left so much

Darkness inside man; this was to compare it to light.

Lazarus rises from the tomb from the one mind of

Jesus that was of one mind with him.  Divorce and

Death cannot separate us from this one mind .

I knew ever since the Big Bang that we were fucked.

At that; point we divided endlessly into infinite shards;

However, like any hologram, we contain the infinite

Tell me, can you handle that you are not your body nor

Your mind; the truth is you did not create yourself. Ask

Who created you; who you were before the Big Bang.

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