The muddler in your brain has lied to you; it doesn’t want
You to know that the world is meaningless and nothing can
Be saved. Jesus knew that Peter would deny him three times.
We can count on nothing, not even the stalwart one Peter, the
Rock. All we are is grandchildren of the unfaithful “It was
Dark” Peter said. He could not see the light shining in darkness.
Hatching and shadowiness are everywhere. At night, St Jerome
Is watched over by the Praetorian ghost of Caesar. Judas’s plan
Was hatched while no one was looking except for the Lord.
Darkness is our origin and we are all chained to the shadows.
What are the Inns of the Dark One: mud, darkness, smoke, fire
And darkness? Obfuscation is his game and darkness is his name.
This does not, however, keep the light from shining in darkness.
The growing soul in us longs for mastery but the our Judas self
Pulls it to misery. It is our nature to have so many bastard sons.
We say to the serpent, “This is your house.” Let us make it cozy
For you. It is our nature to embrace many- ness; the many wives,
Many coins of silver and many days of forgetfulness of the true light.
Each one of us receives our scattering of darkness; we are all baptixed
By water soaked in onions that guarantee our tears. Many-ness is what
We are. There are so many salmon tails touching in the dark; many are we!
Many are we as there are so many designs in the snowflake; so many
Flounder floundering in the net. So many injustices have come into the
World through me. A general lives in my house doing all my bidding.
Hannibal and Rommell loved dark Africa too much. We know that the
World is hell bent on war but the muddler in us does not trust the lighted
Way. It is the generosity of the snowflake designs seeing not One but Many.