Perhaps our conscience took a vacation when we said that
Chemical weapons were not used on Fallujah but were
Incendiary bombs as the white phosphorous melted flesh.
Maybe conscience took a vacation at Ruby Ridge where a
Mother’s head was blown off, a child shot in the back and
Their dog was killed. Maybe conscience only took a leave.
Conscience took a vacation at Waco when they said they
Were trying to protect the children inside the compound
By using tanks to burn and destroy everything inside.
Conscience takes a vacation when the high command of
Nazi Germany says they are only following orders; the same
Conscience takes a vacation in arpatheid South Africa.
Conscience takes a vacation every time dissent is stifled; every
Time torture is sanctioned in Guantanamo and every time we
Try to push back and destroy the evil projected in our minds.
But, in the end there is forgiveness for everyone who has a lapse
In conscience because finally it is us who is hurt; it is us who
Seeks reconciliation and forgiveness for our absentee conscience