Between banners our heart endures; between heartbeats and throbs;

Between our teeth is the tongue that bespeaks our avowed intentions

Of the inner workings of our love’s seeking fuller containments.

Even the laments of our sorrow resolves itself in a purer form, embracing

Ascending angels taking us beyond any sad duration.  What we have between

Us is the interminable space longing for the inwardness of our love.

But, oh how alien are the streets of the grief stricken cities of cacophony

Choked noise; the false silence of louder noises muffling cries of desolation.

Our love tramples out those empty spaces of untasted bliss-between us.

Between us ready made churches do not have the sacrament of our bread and wine;

Empty post offices on Sunday with their mail dispatched to far away zip-codes

Do not bower the country nor is electronic transfer as fleet as our love.

Between us and highway billboards dot so many byways but we are not

In need of such advertisements; between us is a silent space with no need

For any beckoning, signaling, embellishments or gaudy enticements.

Here in the valley of forgetfulness, the elder attends the question of youths

Driven by narcisscism, “What do you older folk have between you?” “Between

Us they say, “Forgotten spaces will long for the ambrosia of our immortal love.”

The love between us will outlast the gaze of the Sphinx to the stars and there

Will be more buoyancy between the spaces of the juggler and only holy fools

With their enigmatic smiles will sense the bliss driven wind between us.

Even the gorge of death between us will shimmer in the moonlight and the

Forgotten ones will find their way between heaven and earth; between us, the

Scrolls of forgotten parchment will proclaim their was such a love between us.

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