There are so many things that speak to us as if beckoning for

Completion; as if we somehow had a hand in its formation; as

If we were attached to a larger corpus of which we are unaware.

Living in our indigenous quarters, developing a provincial hide,

We seem to lose connectivity to an all pervasive élan vital that

Is shared by both Hottentots and the most urbane of the collective.

There are so many speechless hearts, so many brushes of fate, our

Gaze is overcrowded that we miss the imports our brethren have

For us.  What is unsayable seems to come to us in precarious guises.

Glimpsing the saddest mien of a bombing continents away, attention

Is quickly turned to heroes lauded for their prolonged endurances,

Giving little time to the myriad of incidentals that truly sustain us.

Yet, the gyre of the galactic core in its ever widening fractal geometry

Seems to take cognizance of the most distant of satellites on the outer

Edge of the Milky Way as if nothing was not under its infinite purview.

In all of our most fleeting encounters there is some kind of intimacy

That calls for some recognition of being there.  Our own beating hearts

Have a lifetime of constancy but is built up only one stroke at a time.

The interval between each heatstroke is a vignette unto itself in the lifelong

Montage of vignettes that we somehow miss the seemingly inconsequential

Links making our lives meaningful; remembering them when the curtain falls.

Let us give praise to the brevity of those encounters for each one in its short

Duration was a shooting star in the overcrowded heavens we all gaze at; each

Atomole bears witness to the immeasurable corpus of which we are a part.

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