I ask you, where is the proof that lovers touch each other

So blissfully; yes there is a gentle touch on the face of the

Beloved that gives the other a slight sensation but is it enough?

Relying on tactile senses alone is a venture into merely existing;

Neither would we merely rely on the scent on the beloved. Sensing

Is mere propinquity of love fostered only in local vicinity.

The proof of love is that the senses last after the release of embrace;

It doesn’t disappear because the place touched is pure duration. Both

Love making and farewell is equally a touch of love’s remembrance

You stars, twinkling in the vast expanse of space, wasn’t that the

Beloveds light in his face that inspired you?  There is sex among

The stars and constellations are fruitful but where is the proof?

What passions are aroused by super novas and what incalculable

Bliss traverses through boundless space that even ogres bear witness

To the light from primordial times to the present where lovers swoon.

Where is the proof of bliss or of any weakness where lions roam in

Their splendor; it must be axiomatic that such bliss and strength of

Love exists for it is seen in the oceanic eyes of the lover so touched.

Of the contours of emotion we are only witness to what happens from

Without; the hidden truth is that such bliss is woven into the fabric of our

Souls which blissfully rest in the eternal oneness of the beloved’s touch.


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