I never understood why expansiveness leads to war,
Nor, why there is a Tale of Two Cities; why is it that
Proliferation is like a gasoline on a conflagration.
I am like a mouse nibbling on sadness but the greedy
Soul in me is conjoined with the grubbiness of the world
So I am linked to all of these uncomely dichotomies.
I am choked like the rain forest by my own automobile
An ambulate toward a destruction that I know is of my
Doing; seeking an abundance adding to further choking.
Turkeys drown by lifting there heads up to swallow the rain;
Abundance is not a thing that anyone can reckon with; we
Rebuke being muzzled and only seek further engorgement.
Never mind that neither our ancestors nor a resplendid king had
Any of our modern accoutrements of electronic gadgetry; we are
Never satisfied even if abundance is transferred electronically
Ever time we hear the word “abundance” we are courting trouble;
Someone ask the gangster “Little Caesar” what he wanted. He only
Said “more”. They ask him exactly what he wanted. He said “more”.