What I need now is for you to quiet me with your roundness;
Be it the touch of your shoulders with my hands or the
Urging pressure of them on your soft breast to assuage me.
I know not the mystical powers of your feminine nature nor
Nor do I understand the source of its healing spring nor the
Clarity of that water as you do not understand my parchness.
As a hollow long so used to the sun became a drinking trough
Renews itself by awaiting the soft rain to enter, I await your
Softness but cannot summon it to be so because of necessity.
To drink from your spring would almost seem too much for me
And you would deem it too overt but I can only hope that lingering
In this hollowness would lift the brightness into my consciousness.
For in such lingering I would await for you as you would wait
For the reciprocity of my touch; then, as the commingling of fire
And water creates life you would feel the renewal through my hands.
You could see then that my advance was something we both intended
And in touching your roundness we could both come full circle as the
Sky and the earth know each other’s quenching and dry parchness.
Beloved, as you love me from the earth to the sky, I love you from
The sky to the earth and understanding your softness as the earth
Understands cloudy billows and the sky knows the touch of mountains.