The lamb cries and there is no way that we can save her.

So many cries are silenced because they are so lamby.

It is the lion who roars in a kind of deathless defiance.

The earth is covered by deep waters in most of the globe.

Whenever I see a photo of the earth from outer space, I

Think of Noah; there is no remedy for deepness but an ark

The ark landed on Mt. Arafat; but everyone who came off

The ark knew that the voyage was not long enough to create

The soul of Noah.  Lions are always greater than the adversary.

As a young lion I worked in opal mines and could not open the

Door to Saturn’s house.  I did not have a choice but to listen to

My father’s advice.  Later, I became a lion and roared for myself.

The lamb in Peter could not roar for his master and denied him.

The lamb of the press cannot roar with the truth of the Iraq War.

Because of this so many lambs are slaughtered in lieu of truth.

Was Daniel Elsberg a Judas for delivering the Pentagon Papers.

Only if the lion in question is not of the same pride. In the sixties

It was the young lions who questioned the old lions eating lambs.

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