Quetezacotyl  with his plumed feathers, goes into the underworld.

Swamp thing with his turgid veins arises from the smelly bog; no

Need to fear, it means that the enlivening of spring has arrived.

We know this because no matter how fierce and deadening the winter,

The apple blossoms in the spring.  Whatever is dug in and buried

Must at some time climb out even if is pulled out backwards.

There is always an onrush toward the depths, for if not plummeted,

Life could never renew itself; however, what is placed in the earth

Cannot bear fruit unless the seed dies. It is darkness that does this.

It is the darkness of unknowing that pushes life up the green fuse

That drives the flower; it is darkness that causes gestation into all

Future formidable lives. We all know this intuitively in the womb.

There is no remedy for darkness except to listen to the silence; there

Is a quiescence to all that is buried, for in that quietude all priorness

Is shorn.  This is why Pluto is the only god whom there is no bargain.

Darkness does not comprehend the light for light is being and darkness

Is non-being; Being is given life by the reflection of the light and non

Being is the extraction from light. Darkness is the seabed of being

When the One wanted to know itself it flung into darkness and the

Chaos of unknowingness.  For this, its sparks suffered the interminable

Aeons of darkness. For this, how much more does it want to know light.

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