Every one of my poems is a cloak over something naked;
If I dress them with simile or metaphor then your intuition
Is the lynchpin that I hang my poetic laundry upon.
I might infer, deduce, adduce or play with words, but when
I use your name as an eponym, I give you the precise
Delineation of who you are; your note, tone and image.
Helen is the light of dawn and the Helens I have known
Have been precisely that to me. I knew an Indian woman
Named Chaia, meaning shadows and she hid in them.
If I meet a Chandra then immediately I know she is lunar;
Most hoydens give themselves a boyish name like Marty
Markie, Mary Jo however it is not misogynistic to say this.
Shanghai China is the only city in which a felony is named;
If we are clothed by names blame Adam who was a namer.
Before the Edenic fall there were no names given to us.
Victoria Regina is the victorious queen of England; their
Was a king named Edward “The Unready”; for good or
For bad there is a fallout from names and eponyms.