The Cry of The Lambs, Shoats and Hemlocks

We are all like the night criers, the

Lambs, shoats and hemlocks; like Jesus

No one would kill him in the daylight.

Some say that we are divine sparks but

In this world we are but progeny from the

Sparks of the night grinder with axes to grind.

Sir Richard Burton says, “Evil triumphs because

Good people say nothing.”  Men who rule tell us

That they act in our interest so we need do nothing.

Will someone tell my why unborn baby lambs are

A delicacy in Greece and the Middle East. It may be

That they die so that their cries are aborted.

Life goes this way sometimes; unheard cries from

Cave-ins and tsunami like grief that is too huge too

Utter. Who would put these cries on speaker phones?

I know I bringing you down but if Ray Charles could

Hear a hummingbird flap his wings certainly we can

Hear the plaintive cry of the hemlocks and night criers.

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