Archimedies is uneasy near the roaring ocean;
As is Savranarola among that much compassion;
The last drop of mother’s milk frightens them.
Although it is dawn on the forest canopy, it is
Night under the hawk’s wing for mice below;
As it is for the peaceable under military hawks.
This is why the mole and the diminutive shoats
Hide so well in the carpeted forests, for the small
Always quiver under the shadow of the mighty.
American men and women like to put their trust
In the mighty military industrial complex; bankers
Always bank on a probable winner in advance.
In 1914 there was short lived gaiety for Europeans;
It looked like the spring of peace finally arrived;
How short lived was the War to End All Wars.
Milk from paps dry up in these warring times
For we are weaned from compassion, maybe
Because there is depleted uranium in the milk.
People say, “Let the hawk be the hawk” but I
Say, “Let the dove be the dove”. There are no
Deposits slips for love and brotherhood in banks.
What would happen at Easter if rabbits sacrificed
People, if the spring lambs could slit our throats
And we all rode the bird of paradise to Hades?