The old Roman thinkers of quid pro quo or this for that
Set up a legislature in our hearts to govern our love;
Now all we do is quiddle over quiddities and niceties.
Each day we awake the Lord of Greed tells us that
There are so many ways to measure envy. Marcus
Aurelius tells us we covet everything in front of us.
But we are governed by overlords of greed such as
Sultans who store up both eunuchs and harems and
Potentates who would let grain rot than feed the poor.
The greedy hanker for war and ruin. The ore we extract
From the ground is either made for munitions or Bentleys.
With spit and polish, the tank is as chic as the Bentley.
The earth is a cozy place for the serpent of desire, At
Midnight we cozy up to the darkness of Saturn; during
The day we extol the exemplary but greed finds its way.
It’s the nature for the Sultan to have many wives; the
Plutocrats to own everything, and why not, they can
Afford it. We agreed to this quid pro quo long ago.