Before I entered the womb, fleshless and bare
Shapeless and without form as an inchoate mist
I knew of oneness of all starry orbs and passed
By earth as a stop in my eternal meanderings
I who was deaf and blind to winter and summer
Who knew not the things of earth by name,
Fell with a thud into this armor of flesh, and
Felt the molten leadened forms of spiritual things.
I began to know the message of the falling rain
The import of the darting hail and blizzard winds
And how delectable was the childish snow
And each blade of grass with its singular dew.
As flesh I did suffer upon the brambles of fate
And my dreams were racked upon by doubts
How, I was twisted into a living coded cipher
By institutions I never voted for while in spirit.
As mortal creature I was aware of the salted seas
Like Buddha knew that pain would bring me to my knees.
I took this flesh and bone for armor and what did I see?
I now had a throat to feel thirst and a belly for hunger;
For this, became at one and identified with all humanity.