Sometimes women suffering to love means being alone;
Holding on is easy and is not something to learn, however,
Learning to increase the freedom of love is tantamount.
In which corner are you? Are you inconspicuous; quietly
Amassing your beauty as one would assiduously fold a flag
So that, when unfurled, it would display radiant colors?
Artist work in silence so as to intuit, like women, how to
Proceed. Even alone in the darkest of night, you still
Resonate with the sound of your own tone, rising ever rising.
I see you slipping back from my advance because somewhere
An enmity exist between us and the work we have to do alone,
If being redacted is necessary then being away from you helps me.
I do not fear other paramours for I know that they will not
Allow you the freedom I give. I would rather be a silent
Watcher and admirer your enfoldment than be a bum rusher.
Let the sky unfold itself of clouds, let waters rush freely over
Waterfalls and let true communication flow as naturally as
A baby unconsciously suckling a mother’s breast till satiated.
If somehow you are still nearby or farthest away from me,
I will not distract you; I still feel you within me; helping me
To find that place within myself helps me as it helps you.