Earth, isn’t this what you want, to make the ascension like Jesus;

You are like a teenage girl that was raped plundered and pillaged.

Transformation is your commission.  I am won over by your springs.

Look! You are still alive even though your oceans, rivers and lakes

Are choked.  It is only because of some precariousness that your

Human children haven’t killed you yet.  They choose slow ecocide.

I know you seek a dimensional shift above the third dimension; allow

Us to go with you into invisibility.  Your most sacred thought is intimate

Death.  I know this because your snow capped poles are melting and crying.

Let us all emerge from this grim vision and acknowledge the assenting

Angels.  Let our face be more shining with the perspicuity that spirit is

Real and uber alles over our tumultuous misuse of the physical domain.

Our dolphin brothers from Sirius teach us how to laugh and play through

It all.  To die young is of no moment; all the rock and rollers have taught

Us that.  We can all follow Elvis into spirit and leave the young corpse behind.

We all have to climb the mountains of primal sorrow.  Yes, you too my

Beloved Earth.  Happiness is always rising to some ascension and we

Remember though Biblical lore that a fall is not what we want to experience.

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