Joys are always stolen by the fun police; the
Joy of that boy and girl was ruined even if
Dr Spock had his way it would be bound.
August clowns know this; this is why at
Carnivals the pin is removed from the wagon
So that tons of fun will roll and not stop.
The world overlooks many things but not one
Night of fun; farmers would rather let ears of
Corn rot so that hobo camps would be famished.
The Leghorn family sees no jubilation in the house
Of the knife grinder and the fun police are looking
Through the pollard window to see why the lion smiles.
The thief of joy crawls off when we die; like a sea
Lamprey it knows when it chokes its victim’s too
Much. Let us have fun in spite of all of this.
Yet, let now the fatted calf be slaughtered so that
We can continue to have fun. The prodigal son
Knows his fun is short lived in the far country.
@copyright 2006
by Sai Grafio