A teaspoon of fear was too much for the U.S. concerning Iraq;

With a tablespoon we could have imagined that Vatican city

Had nukes.  Our reeds of reason are replaced by so many snakes.

The clay elephant fears he will crack all over the floor if he is

Allowed to take cognizance of a mouse.  For him to really be aftaid

He must imagine that mouse to be close to his own huge size.

Now a whole delegation of mice are trying to figure out how to

Place a bell on the cat while it is sleeping. Each mouse must do

A Jihad on the cat in order to save all the rest of its mousedom.

If someone put a liar in front of a mirror and a truth speaker behind

Him, the liar would assume that he was telling the truth. If the letters

WMD were spoken often enough it might strike a note of authenticity.

Even yogis are disturbed by mice chewing on a string of their loincloth

Interrupting their meditation.  Immediately they get a cat, a cow to feed the cat,

A milkmaid and lots of children.  Now the world really looms at them.

I try not to focus on lions, tigers and bears but every night as I dream, I

Get mauled.  Like everyone else in this dream world I like to banquet

On meals with condiments of hysteria and fear with no basis in fact.

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