Men speak in Fibonacci series spitting out numbers;

Women already know what eternity has to say. They

Were awake at all insipient dawns with the morning dove.

The macho Big Bang is forcing time to stretch; someone

Gave our galaxy a round house curve.  The paraclete made

The whole trip in an instant outside of masculine time.

When the Queen of hearts shows up the game is over; this

Is why she says, “Off with their heads, off with their heads”

The heart always has a reason that the head does not understand.

Pharoah’s wives place their toes in the mud and are grounded

In the earth.  We float like Moses in the cradle because it is

Man’s destiny to wander away from birthing to his dying.

Mary Magdalene had his feet to comfort her while his arms

Embraced a cross.  Man is always at crosswinds with the

Feminine touch; this is why Michelangelo carved David in stone.

Laws are made for the literalists; the Pharisees could recite a

Thousand Levitical laws from memory but their heart couldn’t

Remember any kindness their mother’s taught them. Too bad.

It takes a strong calculus to go to the moon and mars; a woman’s

Cleavage has a telemetry that no guidance system can match. No

One really knows how the Holy Ghost works mechanically.

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